McKinsey & Company



REALIZATION: 2022-2023

ARCHITECTS: Bartosz Trzop, Eligia Gałązka-Gajowa, Piotr Hamerski, Kinga Gajewska, Milena Marciniak, Natalia Lewandowska, Emilia Dudzińska, Joanna Justyńska, Magda Woźniakowska, Radosław Klimek, Paula Tworek, Karolina Konieczna, Aleksandra Ambroziak, Joanna Chwała, Alicja Zimniak

McKinsey & Company's office is located on five floors of the Nowy Rynek building in Poznań. The space was created with focus on users and the environment. With the help of LEED and WELL certification, we created an office using ecological and natural materials, ensuring great comfort of work for future users.
The involvement of employees in finding names and themes for the office resulted in the creation of a diverse and colorful space where everyone will feel comfortable and find a place for themselves. The sea, beach, meadow, jungle, forest became an inspiration to individualize the colors and character of each floor.
In line with biophilic design, the office space is filled with natural vegetation that surrounds employees, improving their well-being. All floors are connected by an internal staircase located in the kitchenette area. The staircase is not only used to move between floors, but it also facilitates meetings and initiates interactions between colleagues, which was an important aspect for the Investor.
A separate zone is the reception space, which has a representative function, and its subdued colors make it stand out from the rest of the office. Beige, black, brass and natural oak add not only elegance, but also a timeless character.
The McKinsey Poznań office is a truly sustainable space that respects nature and inspires ecological activities. This is a place where innovation meets care for the environment. Here, renewable energy powers modern technologies, and recycling has become an everyday ritual. Each element has been carefully designed and selected to support ecology and inspire responsible action.

PHOTOS: Fotomohito & The Elevators Studio