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Expansion of the National Museum

Trzop Architects

Project description

The great value of the subject plot lies in its location by the park complex. The design proposes the creation of a building that is prominently situated on the park side, connected by pedestrian routes, both existing and planned, and supporting the creation of active public spaces. The project concept emphasizes the importance of the existing historical layout and highlights the central projection of the National Museum building.


Muzeum Narodowe




Competition design

Location: woj. mazowieckie


0 m2

Lead Designer:

Bartosz Trzop

Lead Architect:

Weronika Ośmiałowska

Design Team:

Monika Fiołka-Rusinek
Natalia Lewandowska
Milena Marciniak







Expansion of the National Museum

We decided to design two buildings, intersected by a public square along the axis of the central projection. This approach shaped the public space, while the view of the central part of the National Museum was opened up and further emphasized.

Expansion of the National Museum

The square is also intended to serve an exhibition function for temporary outdoor displays, for which a special substructure has been designed. Within the new urban interior, efforts have been made to preserve as many healthy existing trees as possible, which supports the recreational and leisure function also planned for this area.

W trosce o środowisko

Biuro McKinsey Poznań to prawdziwie zrównoważona przestrzeń, która szanuje naturę i inspiruje do ekologicznych działań. To miejsce, gdzie innowacja spotyka się z troską o środowisko. Tutaj energia odnawialna zasila nowoczesne technologie, a recykling stał się codziennych rytuałem.

Każdy element został starannie zaprojektowany i dobrany, by wspierać ekologię i inspirować do odpowiedzialnego działania.


Project został nagrodzony w konkursach:

Property Design Awards


I Miejsce

