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Port czerniakowski

Trzop Architects

Project description

Our proposal for the redevelopment of the Czerniakowska Port area highlights the value of the stunning view from the site. Additionally, the location is along the Vistula River boulevard, which influences the design concept of a multifunctional building. The vision is to create a structure that is fully open to the panoramic view from the site, while also being integrated into the pedestrian flow. The building should not obstruct the path along the boulevard but rather complement it by offering an attraction and enhancing the experience of the space.


City of Warsaw




Competition Design

Location: woj. mazowieckie


0 m2

Lead Designer:

Bartosz Trzop

Lead Architect:

Weronika Ośmiałowska

Design Team:

Monika Fiołka-Rusinek
Natalia Lewandowska
Milena Marciniak







Czerniakowski port

The project proposes the creation of a transitional building that integrates both the ground floor and the first floor. The structure is carefully divided into functional blocks based on accessibility. On the first floor, spacious viewing terraces are planned, as well as a public area that includes a restaurant. This design aims to maximize the connection with the surrounding environment, enhancing both the user experience and the relationship between the building and its location. The terraces will offer expansive views, providing a key feature for both visitors and residents, while the restaurant serves as an accessible communal space.

Czerniakowski port

The ground floor is clearly divided into two distinct functional blocks: the administrative area for employees and the private lounge for club members. These two spaces are located on opposite sides of a spacious transitional hall, which also serves as an exhibition area. This design creates a clear separation between the different functions of the building while ensuring fluid circulation and a sense of openness, with the exhibition hall acting as a central focal point that ties the various elements of the space together.

W trosce o środowisko

Biuro McKinsey Poznań to prawdziwie zrównoważona przestrzeń, która szanuje naturę i inspiruje do ekologicznych działań. To miejsce, gdzie innowacja spotyka się z troską o środowisko. Tutaj energia odnawialna zasila nowoczesne technologie, a recykling stał się codziennych rytuałem.

Każdy element został starannie zaprojektowany i dobrany, by wspierać ekologię i inspirować do odpowiedzialnego działania.


Project został nagrodzony w konkursach:

Property Design Awards


I Miejsce

